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About Alice

Welcome, you are pure and unique!


There are valuable lessons that life imposes on us. We are worth living our lives in a healthy, pleasant and loving way. I, as a Holistic, IET® Therapist, Usui Reiki Therapist and as Soul Body Fusion® Teacher/Practitioner, will coach and support with holistic vision, the well-being and health of the person in my practice. The holistic healing form is seen as a whole: Body, Spirit and Soul.


I also give spiritual trainings, courses/workshops & lectures. In this way I will guide you during spiritual growth and developments. I keep nurturing myself and developing further at the spiritual level by among other things: update training sessions, courses and lectures. Live in the present and love yourself, for……..’You are worth it’. One of my favourite mottos in life is:


Live every moment,

Laugh every day,

Love beyond words.


Love, Alice Watervoort
Registered IET® Therapist/ Master Instructor with the Center of Being,  founder of IET® Stevan J. Thayer.


Registered Soul Body Fusion® Practitioner with Jonette Crowley. 

Registered as Pampamesayok ‘a Keeper from the Earth’, by Paco Don Alejandro Apazza Machacca.


My Learning Pathways:

— IET® Therapist / Master Instructor studied with Stevan J. Thayer.

— Soul Body Fusion® Practitioner and Teacher, by Jonette Crowley

— Usui Reiki System Natural Healing learnings founder Mikao Usui

— Angel Teachings: Training of the Angel Codes from Patty Harpenau.

— Inca-Sjamanism Pampamesayok the authentic Inca- wisdom, by Paco Don Alejandro Apazza Machacca


IET Integrated Energy Therapy®

Integrated Energy Therapy is  powerful holistic ‘Nowadays Energy Healing’ for adults and children, connected with the aura and chakras.


> Discover IET...


Shamanism is a religious belief; is connecting to mankind, the Angels, the 7 Archetypes, Mother Earth, the animal world, plant world and the universe.


> Discover Shamanism...


Meditation is well known from Hinduism and Buddhism. In both of them, the faith of body, spirit and soul is nourished by finding rest and health in your own ‘Yourself’.


> Discover Meditation...

IET Integrated Energy Therapy®

Integrated Energy Therapy is  powerful holistic ‘Nowadays Energy Healing’ for adults and children, connected with the aura and chakras. The word holistic comes from the ancient Greek:  ‘Holos’, meaning: Whole. IET® is a powerful technique with a holistic vision on well-being and cooperation of Body, Spirit and Soul.


IET® Therapy is a form of therapy in which your complaints on physical, emotional, mental and karmic level can be released and healed. Our world is so dynamic that it may give rise to various complaints, which may hinder the effective functioning of our body, but also complaints with regards to society, among other things: work, family, relationship, school, study….! These turbulences of energies, which we cannot handle well, can impair body and soul already at an early stage, so that we will not feel well and because of that negativity and discomforts they will be given the opportunity to settle in the body.


IET® Therapy is spread around the world. It was founded and it is managed by Stevan J. Thayer in the ‘Center of Being’.


There is also a matching IET® Healing Angels Workshop, where you will work at your well-being and self-healing power with the 9 Healing Angels.


IET® treatments are not intended to replace traditional medical treatment, but they are a complement to our well-being.



Inca-Shamanism & Ama Deus

For the origin of shamanism we go thousands of years back in time. It is a cooperative healing for body, soul and spirit. Shamanism is a religious belief; is connecting to mankind, the Angels, the 7 Archetypes, Mother Earth, the animal world, plant world and the universe. The shamans connect up with these energies and pieces of wisdom. The shaman is also a storyteller and he believes that you can be the director of your own story here on earth. 


The teachings of Shamanism and the energy transmissions go via the Heart. By shifts of observation you will learn to allow changes to take place via your Heart. The Heart is from its ‘Original Being’: loving, warm and unique. So, your original core, too, is loving, warm and unique. With these earliest energies we will connect to all living things. Through all the years much has become silted up by negative experiences. Shamanism, among other things Inca – Shamanism, will kindle the slumbering, unconditionally loving flame to a large shining fire. The released energy will accomplish and feed our consideration for life as a whole.


‘Simply by opening your heart really, for yourself, the other person, the greater whole; gaining a higher level of consciousness and by connecting  and sharing.’


Sharing is Healing


Shamans are the Keepers of the Earth. Formerly, the initiations were passed on from shaman to shaman. However, they are available for everyone now. In this way, we are all connected in a healthy and energetic way.


Would you like to be a Keeper of the Earth, too?

Then you can follow an Inca-Shamanistic course, the Munay Ki. Recommended the book: The Keeper of the Earth by Dr. Alberto Villoldo..


Also, you can follow an Ama Deus course: the Guarani Indians from the Amazone rain-forest of Brazil.. 


Recommended book: Ama Deus healing with sacred energy of the universe by Elisabeth Cosmos, PhD.



Open yourself for peace and inner harmony

Meditation is well known from Hinduism and Buddhism. In both of them, the faith of body, spirit and soul is nourished by finding rest and health in your own ‘Yourself’.


Meditating is a technique to switch consciousness over into a state of rest and to achieve inner harmony.In mediation, you are open and attentive for: what your body and soul want to tell you and for doors opening onto possibilities.


You learn to limit the wandering of your spirit and to keep focused  on your inner well-being. It lets stress ebb away and you overlook everything in a positive way. In your daily life you will benefit from meditating, because you can  deal better with the negative influences from outside.


There are several kinds of meditation: Mindfulness, visualization, mantra, vipassana, guided meditation. So,  there are meditations to be found in which you will feel comfortable.


Meditate to restore and keep harmony, health and well-being.

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